Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beb el Tebeneh

the poorest region of Tripoli.
not only Tripoli, not only Lebanon, it was found a few years ago to be the poorest region of the middle-east. and that says it all.

not that it was my purpose here to show it.
i just shoot what catches my eye, and not what i should shoot

it was a weird weather yesterday, heavy red sky and raining mud.
looks good in images, though.


  1. these are great images. i won't attempt to make a social comment here. it feels a privilege to have you showing us Lebanon in this way, from wherever you go in its streets. "random" but you and your eye will provide unity.

    great catch of the boys' soccer ball in the air, btw! <3

  2. :faint:
    to me--these photos--and like kind--show us the world outside our backyards--far more so --more accurately then we would be privy to see.
    thank you for affording us this vision.

  3. i will try to construct it as a diary, not mine, but about what's around me every day.
    it might get boring by its banality, but i think it will be one of its strong points, in the same time.
    and yes, showing you where i live is one big pleasure to me, i admit.
    in fact the whole blog was started in this idea, showing a friend my country.
    and i will keep it that way.
