Saturday, May 21, 2011


Mina means port, in Arabic. it's the part of Tripoli situated on the sea, some people consider it a city of her own. it takes me 5 minutes to get there in my car.

images of yesterday...

sometimes i ask people if i can take their picture, and some others ask me. i don't say i have my lensbaby or my wide angle. i just smile and take it.

one of the 4 islands facing Tripoli. i think these are the only islands of Lebanon, too. the most known is the "Rabbits island " and it is a nature reserve known mostly for it's ...turtles :)
rabbits were grown there in abundance at the time of the french mandate, the name (and some of the rabbits) stayed.


  1. these are great, i love the feeling they have, casual but also showing the artist's eye. i like seeing the people, and the rusted, painted steel container is especially nice too :D

  2. i think each place has its own feeling. but also each day.
    it feels awkward to post images i would have thought less than fine, for other places.
    but i'm learning :)
    always thanks for passing by!

  3. this is officially my favorite blog.
    Like strolling with a friend.
    really really love being able to take this trip.
    and you've some really effective photos here.
    the two boys and lone man square---gazing--dreaming into the sea.:clap:
    i feel inclined to start a simple blog---
    but--i fear taking the more candid photos of this area--
    I dont want to sound political or dogging any way of life--
    but--sometimes--my husband and i are serious outcast here.
    i want to document it--yet--they'd be far from quality images--
    and also--my disdain for certain mentalities --might be too loud.
    Lets just put it this way--
    this is indeed the my south.
    i wonder if you understand...

  4. simple was suppose to read similar...argh--
    i never edit before posting...

  5. :D and you're officially the sweetest woman i know !!
    i understand what you're saying, but i sure cannot understand the way it is. this is so particular of each place.
    yes, the quality of the image was a concern of mine too, in this blog i'm posting good, not bad and just average images, which is not the way i like it to be.
    but there is a choice to be made, you cannot make beautiful (not always) if you want to show the truth, or even just to show!
